Wooden engraving
長崎在住の版画家、田川 憲 (1906-1967) の描く長崎 グラバー園や石畳の坂道、洋館の煙突など情緒ある風景版画に影響を受け、学生時代より版画イラストを制作するようになりました。
I started to create engraving illustration in my student days being influence by wooden engravings by Ken Tagawa (1906-1967). He was a graphic artist living in Nagasaki and drew tasteful landscapes such as Nagasaki Glover Garden, stone-paved slope and the chimney of European style house. While I lived in Kyoto, I was moved by the good old scenery of the town of Kyoto and started the series of “Kyoto Scenery” which I still have a lot of request to this day. I feel that expressing Japanese scenery with wooden engraving is the journey to find my own root.